Aditi Mangaldas with her students of Drishtikon performed “Uncharted Seas” Contemporary Kathak Dance performance at the Spicmacay Jaipur Festival “Music In The Park” on the eve of 9-Nov-2019.
I was thinking what to say about the performance other than that it was Brilliant. I saw her first performance ‘Widening Circles’ on 11-Dec-2016 that performance had left a big impression on me and I was keen to see her performance again. After approx 3 years got the chance and it was fantastic. When you see these types of performances you feel and understand how much effort would have been put behind the entire show. These efforts make your show stand out and tell the difference of professionals from amateurs. It doesn’t look good to talk about the age of “girls” but at this age the energy and performance of Aditi Mangaldas Ji was mind blowing. I would say this to all Kathak or Dance lovers that don’t ever miss the chance to witness her performance.
About the Uncharted Seas from the Choreographer of Uncharted Seas Aditi Mangaldas.
“In the words of David Bohm, ‘The field of the finite is all that we can see, hear, touch, remember and describe. This field is basically that which is manifest or tangible. The essential quality of the infinite, by contrast, is it’s subtlety, it’s intangibility.’ The search for the intangible, may we call it God, truth, beauty, love or freedom, is the essence of UNCHARTED SEAS. Though I have separated the pieces, it is actually the entire production viewed in it’s entirety that tries to capture the essence of ‘SEARCH’. So each piece may or may not refer to all our queries. Some attempt to transform poetry into images or emotions. Others use abstractions of movement, light, space, rhythm, ambience to evoke images asking the same questions.”

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